San Andreas
Department of Justice
Current (Founders):
Founder // Vortex (1K-91)
Founder // Tactical (1K-20)
Founders are the top of the line staff members in our (SADOJ) Xbox One (Role-Play) Community! This rank is strictly for members that have founding our (Community) from the bottom! And will not be open for any members at this period in time!
(Founder/Co Founder): Responsibilities
[x] We will be in charge of (Accepting/Denying) [Applications] as well as interviewing and being the final vote for whether or not you get to join or (Community)
(Side-Note): Just because your (Application) has been accepted it does not guarantee you a spot in our (Community) you will have a follow up interview and the final verdict will be decided!
[x] We will also be the people who are constantly updating the website and making sure it is up to date! As well as improving the website to make sure it is to our standards!
[x] And at this moment in time until our active player count increases we will issuing (Punishments) to those that choose to not abide by our rules and standards!
(Admin) Responsibilities
This rank will have a lot of responsibilities that will not be listed!
[This role is the top of the (Staff) Members and will be in charge of the Moderators and be looked at as very professional figure that you may come to if you have any questions in relation to the (Community)
[x] You will be in charge of Moderating the (Moderators) and making sure they are doing there job and fulfilling there responsibilities
[x] You will be required to view both discord chats helping and answering questions that the community has asked!|
[x] You will required to overview the (3) (Required) Ride-Alongs that will be set up for the new members that join our (Community)! And making sure they are handled professionally and correctly
[x] You will be required to overview the (Staff) chat and viewing the session (Game Reports).
[x] You will be required to be the final verdict for punishments that will be issued to members that have been previously warned and have extended to the point where a punishment must be issued
- If you can not decide you should come in contact with the Founders and we will discuss the situation as a whole
(Moderator): Responsibilities
This role will be chosen very wisely and be removed without hesitation if you are not doing what is expected! If you're chosen to become a Moderator you rank will be adjusted on both discords!
[x] You will be required to view both discord chats helping and answering questions that the community has asked!
(Common Questions): When is the next session? When will my application be viewed? When is my interview? [Most of the time they should] And we understand it can be quite frustrating but you should still respond with the utmost Respect and Professionalism!
[x] You will required to get the (3) (Required) Ride-Alongs set up for the new members that join our (Community)!
You will be either directly messaged or pulled into a private meeting telling you who needs the (Ride-Along)!
[x] You will be required to send (Game-Reports) telling the (Founder/Co-Founder) or the session went even if a (Founder/Co-Founder) is in the session! The format is in (Staff Chat)!
[x] You will also be required to (Spy) on (Traffic Stops/ 10-11 (s)) to see how well the responding officer handled the situation and if that member is consistently doing well you should send a (Report)!
-You will have many more responsibilities that will be discussed in (Staff) chat!
[x] You will also be required to (Moderate) the main chat of our (Discord) to remove and explicit texts and also warning those members!
[1st Offense]: Firm (Warning) telling them not to do what they did again and deleting the text!
[2nd Offense]: Another Firm (Warning)! As well as (Report) to a (Founder/Co-Founder) and the (Founder’/Co-Founder) will speak to them!
[3rd Offense]: {24 Hour} Main Chat Suspension this basically restricts them from speaking in the (Main Chat)
[4th Offense]: {48 Hour} Main chat Suspension and (Possible) removal from the community!
A (Founder/ Co-Founder) Should immediately be notified!
[x] You should also be actively (Hosting) sessions for the members of the (Community)
(Supervisor): Responsibilities
This is not a (Staff Member) Rank but rather a rank for (Officers) that have a lot of experience and are able to (De-Escalate) situations that went in rather the wrong direction!
If a session has to low of a member count and you still are a (Supervisor) you will be required to play as a normal police officer for the time being!
[x] You will be required and informed by a (Moderator) or (Founder/Co-Founder) to
(Ride-Along) with new members of our (Community)
[x] You will also be required to respond to (Active Supervisor) Calls if a suspect is requiring to speak to a (Supervisor)
[x] You will also be required to send (Reports) of (Officers) that are actively doing very well!
[x] You will also be required to send (Reports) of (Civilian) that consistently doing amazing scenarios!